In a world where every car has a new class and it feels manufacturers are trying hard to have vehicles that can easily fit into a variety of categories I’m not sure what a normal car is anymore. If we define a normal car as one that looks like it should be made for driving on the commute to and from work then we still have a large variety, but for the most part we all know what a normal car is. What we don’t know is that some of these cars are made to be exciting to drive and are capable of turning even the stodgiest of us into an enthusiast with a huge smile on our faces.
What is Holding Back EV Sales
We talk about the EV’s becoming the future of the automotive world and we even see where some of the new models have reasonable driving range, but for 2015 the total sales of EV cars was less than one percent of the market. There are now 25 plug in models that you can choose from but most consumers are not ready to make the change from gasoline to electric propulsion for one simple reason; driving range. Most of these electric cars off driving ranges that wouldn’t even fill a full day of commuting, which then means we need to have either a backup gasoline engine for further driving or we need to have a way to charge the batteries quickly.
Vehicles that Hold Their Value
On the average a vehicle will lose twelve percent of its value during the first year of ownership. Some cars lose more, others lose less and when you know you are going to trade the vehicle in that you have recently purchased the ability of your vehicle to hold its value is extremely important. Instead of being a statistic, this actually becomes a feature of the vehicle itself and makes it much more important for you to ensure you have a vehicle that will easily be resold for a good price and give you the most value overall. Here are ten vehicles that are well-known for holding their value and depreciate very little over the first year.